Dogs in Vienna. Part 2: Open Data Integration Tutorial

Autor Svitlana VakulenkoVeröffentlicht am

This is the third part of our example showing how open data datasets from the Open Data portal of Vienna can be used to obtain insights about the city. For the analysis we work the open and freely available Jupyter Notebooks software. In this part, we link pet statistics with further open datasets concerning population and income, and analyze correlations within this data.

Open Data Story

In the previous tutorial we set out to explore the dog statistics in Vienna and discovered that there is a significant variation in the number of dogs across different districts. In this tutorial we explore additional data sets trying to explain the differences between Vienna districts that may influence the dog statistics. Here is a set of questions we have in mind:

Research Questions

  1. Why some districts have more/less dogs than others?
  2. Where should I live if I want to have a dog in Vienna?
  3. Which dogs are in trend in the rich neighborhoods of Vienna?
  4. What is the dog situation in my district (revisited)?

Get the Data

Let’s repeat the same step we did in the previous tutorials to load the dog stats dataset.

In [45]:
# Load libraries
import pandas as pd # CSV file processing
import numpy as np # vector and matrix manipulation

# Load the csv file from the open data portal
# dataset description:
data_path = ''
# Look up the row file and specify the dataset format, e.g. delimiters
data = pd.read_csv(data_path, delimiter=';', skiprows=1, thousands=',', encoding='latin-1')

# Correct individual values in the dataset
data.loc[1914, 'Anzahl'] = 1510
data.loc[5347, 'Anzahl'] = 2460

# Carefully select the string separator, including spaces!
separate_breeds = data['Dog Breed'].str.split(' / ', expand=True)
separate_breeds.columns = ["Breed_1", "Breed_2"]
data = pd.concat([data, separate_breeds], axis=1)

# Correct encoding for special characters in german alphabet
def to_utf(x):
    return x.encode('latin-1').decode('utf8') if isinstance(x, str) else x   
data = data.applymap(to_utf)

# Aggregate
data = data.groupby(['DISTRICT_CODE', 'Breed_1'])['Anzahl'].aggregate(np.sum).reset_index()
data.columns = ["DISTRICT_CODE", "Dog Breed", "Dog Count"]

# Check the top of the table to make sure the dataset is loaded correctly 
DISTRICT_CODE Dog Breed Dog Count
0 90100 Afghanischer Windhund 1
1 90100 Amerikanischer Pit-Bullterrier 1
2 90100 Amerikanischer Staffordshire-Terrier 5
3 90100 Australian Shepherd Dog 3
4 90100 Australian Terrier 1

Get More Data

Districts of any city (town) are not homogeneous in terms of area and population. Also in Vienna some districts are bigger in terms of territory, more densely populated or wealthier than other district. These factors shall also have an effect on the dog population within the specified regions.

Now we need to fetch this kind of data (population, area and average income per district in Vienna) in order to check its correlation with our dog stats data. is the biggest Austrian open data portal. Let’s have a look there!

Population Statistics per District

Population (Bevölkerung) seems just right for the general category, filtering on Vienna, CSV data format and community districts (Gemeindebezirke) boils down the search results to a single dataset!

Next, we just repeat the same steps we used previously to obtain the dog stats dataset:

In [46]:
# Load the csv file from the open data portal
# Dataset description:
data_path = ''
# Look up the row file and specify the dataset format, e.g. delimiters
data_population = pd.read_csv(data_path, delimiter=';', skiprows=1)
# Check the top of the table to make sure the dataset is loaded correctly 
0 AT1 AT13 AT130 90100 . 68079 . . 18691231
1 AT1 AT13 AT130 90200 . 68442 . . 18691231
2 AT1 AT13 AT130 90300 . 88678 . . 18691231
3 AT1 AT13 AT130 90400 . 55682 . . 18691231
4 AT1 AT13 AT130 90500 . 54010 . . 18691231

The dataset title informs us that the dataset contains data dating from 1869 year. We would prefer more fresh population statistics to be able to compare with the dog stats that we have dating from 2016 12 01.

Unfortunately it is not clear from the dataset description which time periods it contains:
„VIE-Bevölkerung in den 23 Wiener Gemeindebezirken nach Geschlecht seit 1869
Zuletzt aktualisiert 31. März 2016
Erstellt 31. März 2016“

Let us examine the REF_DATE column, which seems to contain the reference date here.

In [47]:
# Check unique column values
array([18691231, 18801231, 19001231, 19101231, 19230307, 19340322,
       19390517, 19510601, 19610321, 19710512, 19810512, 19910515,
       20010515, 20020101, 20030101, 20040101, 20050101, 20060101,
       20070101, 20080101, 20090101, 20100101, 20110101, 20120101,
       20130101, 20140101, 20150101])

The last measurement is from 2015 (same as on Wikipedia: Let’s take it.

In [48]:
# Slice dataset: filter specific rows and columns
population_2015 = data_population[(data_population['REF_DATE'] == 20150101)][['DISTRICT_CODE', 'POP_TOTAL']]
# Sort column
population_2015.sort_values(ascending=False, by='POP_TOTAL').head()
630 91000 189713
642 92200 172978
641 92100 151844
622 90200 101702
636 91600 100738

Analyse the Data

1. Why some districts have more/less dogs than others?

Very good we have the population count per district. Let’s compare it with the dog counts. For this we need to aggregate the dog counts by district and join on the common column, which is the DISTRICT_CODE.

In [50]:
# Aggregate counts
district_dogs = data.groupby('DISTRICT_CODE')['Dog Count'].aggregate(np.sum)
# Join Data Frame and Series objects on the key column
dog_vs_people = population_2015.join(district_dogs, on='DISTRICT_CODE')
dog_vs_people.sort_values(ascending=False, by='POP_TOTAL').head()
630 91000 189713 5333
642 92200 172978 8504
641 92100 151844 7143
622 90200 101702 2545
636 91600 100738 2077
In [51]:
dog_vs_people[['POP_TOTAL', 'Dog Count']].corr()
POP_TOTAL 1.000000 0.903501
Dog Count 0.903501 1.000000

As expected, dog population is positively correlated with human population (dogs usually live together with people in Vienna).

Therefore, we need to consider the district population when comparing the number of dogs across districts.

2. Where should I live if I want to have a dog in Vienna?

In [52]:
dog_vs_people['Dogs_per_person'] = dog_vs_people['Dog Count'] / dog_vs_people['POP_TOTAL']
# Sort by column
dog_vs_people.sort_values(ascending=True, by='Dogs_per_person').round(3).head()
DISTRICT_CODE POP_TOTAL Dog Count Dogs_per_person
635 91500 76320 1352 0.018
625 90500 54246 982 0.018
628 90800 24518 459 0.019
627 90700 31291 619 0.020
624 90400 31691 632 0.020

5th and 15th districts have the smallest proportion of dogs with respect to the number of inhabitants (18 dogs per 1000 people). We do not yet know why but it is not likely that dog-haters would agree to live closer to each other. There must be some other factors, such as necessary conditions required to have a dog, e.g. dog playgrounds, that influence the decision to have or not to have a dog.

In [53]:
# Sort by column
dog_vs_people.sort_values(ascending=False, by='Dogs_per_person').round(3).head()
DISTRICT_CODE POP_TOTAL Dog Count Dogs_per_person
642 92200 172978 8504 0.049
641 92100 151844 7143 0.047
643 92300 96775 4136 0.043
639 91900 69999 2745 0.039
633 91300 52115 1990 0.038
In [57]:
# Load library for visualisation
import seaborn as sns
# Command to show plots in notebook
%matplotlib inline
ax = sns.barplot(palette='colorblind', data=dog_vs_people, y=dog_vs_people.DISTRICT_CODE, x=dog_vs_people.Dogs_per_person, orient='h')
ax.set(ylabel='District', xlabel='Dogs_per_person')
[<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11428c978>, <matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1142692b0>]

22nd and 21st districts have the biggest dog populations relative to the number of inhabitants in the district: 49 and 47 dogs per 1000 people respectively. Meaning that if you live in one of this districts you are more likely to have a dog.

Do these districts provide more favorable conditions for the dog owners? Or is it the kind of people that prefer to live in these areas also like to have dogs?

Let us explore the average income per district and whether it has an influence on the dog stats.

Get More Data

Income Statistics per District

We integrate another dataset for our dog statistics analysis, which luckily follows the same logic (data format) as the previous two datasets, since it is from the same publisher (

This dataset was relatively easy to find when searching with the keyword ‚income‘ (Einkommen) on the Austrian State Open Data portal

In [58]:
# Load the csv file from the open data portal
# Dataset description:
data_path = ''
# The data format seems to be consistent for all the datasets from this publisher 
data_income = pd.read_csv(data_path, delimiter=';', skiprows=1)
# Check the top of the table to make sure the dataset is loaded correctly 
0 AT1 AT13 AT130 90100 . 292.103.000 194.301.000 97.802.000 25.463 31.961 18.536 34.506 42.806 24.963 20021231
1 AT1 AT13 AT130 90200 . 919.962.000 559.682.000 360.280.000 16.439 18.301 14.282 22.015 24.312 19.067 20021231
2 AT1 AT13 AT130 90300 . 1.011.882.000 608.994.000 402.888.000 18.701 21.444 15.804 24.617 27.968 20.739 20021231
3 AT1 AT13 AT130 90400 . 402.479.000 243.807.000 158.672.000 20.325 23.641 16.876 27.348 31.586 22.539 20021231
4 AT1 AT13 AT130 90500 . 554.361.000 327.128.000 227.233.000 16.258 17.937 14.395 22.059 24.198 19.454 20021231
In [59]:
# Check unique column values
array([20021231, 20031231, 20041231, 20051231, 20061231, 20071231,
       20081231, 20091231, 20101231, 20111231, 20121231, 20131231, 20141231])

The last measurement is from 2014. Let’s take it.

In [60]:
# Slice dataset: filter specific rows and columns
income_2014 = data_income[(data_income['REF_DATE'] == 20141231)][['DISTRICT_CODE', 'AVERAGE_INCOME_TOTAL']]
# Sort column
income_2014.sort_values(ascending=False, by='AVERAGE_INCOME_TOTAL').head()
276 90100 32.493
288 91300 27.604
294 91900 25.803
279 90400 24.199
293 91800 24.164

All right, this is common knowledge 😉 The wealthiest are 1st and 13th districts of Vienna.

In [61]:
income_2014.sort_values(ascending=True, by='AVERAGE_INCOME_TOTAL').head()
290 91500 16.799
295 92000 17.861
285 91000 18.340
291 91600 18.733
280 90500 18.952

The poorest are the 15th and 20th districts.

In [62]:
# Plot pandas data frame
ax = sns.barplot(data=income_2014,palette='colorblind', y='DISTRICT_CODE', x='AVERAGE_INCOME_TOTAL', orient='h')
ax.set(ylabel='District', xlabel='Average Income (thousands)')
[<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x114464048>, <matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1144c10f0>]

Now let’s join all our datasets with district stats.

In [63]:
# Merge data frames on the key column
dog_vs_people_vs_income = dog_vs_people.merge(income_2014, on='DISTRICT_CODE')
dog_vs_people_vs_income.sort_values(ascending=False, by='AVERAGE_INCOME_TOTAL').head()
0 90100 16339 465 0.028460 32.493
12 91300 52115 1990 0.038185 27.604
18 91900 69999 2745 0.039215 25.803
3 90400 31691 632 0.019943 24.199
17 91800 49178 1316 0.026760 24.164
In [64]:
DISTRICT_CODE 1.000000 0.453962 0.563003 0.592619 -0.213271
POP_TOTAL 0.453962 1.000000 0.903501 0.554129 -0.455340
Dog Count 0.563003 0.903501 1.000000 0.813967 -0.178365
Dogs_per_person 0.592619 0.554129 0.813967 1.000000 0.273133
AVERAGE_INCOME_TOTAL -0.213271 -0.455340 -0.178365 0.273133 1.000000

There is no strong correlation between the average income and the number of dogs. Everyone likes to have a dog. Maybe a different kind of dog though…

Is there a correlation between a dog breed and the income of its owners?

3. Which dogs are in trend in the rich neighborhoods of Vienna?

We need to go back to the breed-level district statistics to answer this question.

In [198]:
# Filter out specific rows
filtered_dogs = data.loc[data['Dog Breed']!='Unbekannt']
DISTRICT_CODE Dog Breed Dog Count
0 90100 Afghanischer Windhund 1
1 90100 Amerikanischer Pit-Bullterrier 1
2 90100 Amerikanischer Staffordshire-Terrier 5
3 90100 Australian Shepherd Dog 3
4 90100 Australian Terrier 1

Next, we need the relative counts instead of the absolute counts for the breeds to be able to compare across districts.

In [218]:
district_stats = filtered_dogs.merge(dog_vs_people, on='DISTRICT_CODE')
district_stats['Breed_Percent'] = ((district_stats['Dog Count_x'] / district_stats['Dog Count_y']) * 100).astype(int)
# Drop 0 values
district_stats = district_stats[(district_stats['Breed_Percent']>0)]
district_stats.sort_values(ascending=False, by='Breed_Percent').head()
DISTRICT_CODE Dog Breed Dog Count_x POP_TOTAL Dog Count_y Dogs_per_person Breed_Percent
2610 91900 Labrador Retriever 193 69999 2745 0.039215 7
1672 91300 Labrador Retriever 148 52115 1990 0.038185 7
2432 91800 Labrador Retriever 94 49178 1316 0.026760 7
51 90100 Labrador Retriever 35 16339 465 0.028460 7
1295 91100 Chihuahua kurzhaariger Schlag 271 95198 3539 0.037175 7
In [219]:
# Create a “pivot” table based on column values unfolding the original table stats
unfolded_breeds = district_stats.pivot_table(index='DISTRICT_CODE', columns='Dog Breed', values='Breed_Percent').fillna(0).astype(int)
unfolded_breeds.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
Dog Breed DISTRICT_CODE Amerikanischer Pit-Bullterrier Amerikanischer Staffordshire-Terrier Australian Shepherd Dog Beagle Border-Collie Boxer Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chihuahua kurzhaariger Schlag Chihuahua langhaariger Schlag Shih Tzu Siberian Husky Spitz Toy-Pudel Weimaraner West Highland White Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Zwergpinscher Zwergschnauzer Zwergspitz
0 90100 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 90200 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 1
2 90300 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
3 90400 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
4 90500 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0

5 rows × 40 columns

In [221]:
breeds_vs_income = unfolded_breeds.merge(income_2014, on='DISTRICT_CODE')
c = breeds_vs_income.corr()
s = c.unstack()
AVERAGE_INCOME_TOTAL                    1.000000
Labrador Retriever                      0.741681
Toy-Pudel                               0.633378
Schnauzer                               0.633378
Parson-Russell-Terrier                  0.633378
Weimaraner                              0.633378
Flat Coated Retriever                   0.633378
Magyar Vizsla                           0.549162
West Highland White Terrier             0.434112
Pudel                                   0.418268
Rauhhaardackel (Zwergdackel)            0.418139
Border-Collie                           0.388188
Boxer                                   0.349132
Englischer Cockerspaniel                0.223980
Beagle                                  0.223901
Golden Retriever                        0.211484
Dackel                                  0.178157
Zwergschnauzer                          0.089984
Drahthaar-Foxterrier                    0.084796
Spitz                                   0.084796
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel           0.082323
Australian Shepherd Dog                 0.043597
Siberian Husky                          0.030186
Collie                                  0.023761
Mops                                   -0.082396
Jack-Russell-Terrier                   -0.117556
Rottweiler                             -0.160320
Shih Tzu                               -0.174853
Havaneser                              -0.204154
DISTRICT_CODE                          -0.213271
Französische Bulldogge                 -0.296468
Deutscher Schäferhund                  -0.302884
Zwergspitz                             -0.333309
Pekinese                               -0.499141
Zwergpinscher                          -0.499712
Malteser                               -0.538629
Yorkshire Terrier                      -0.561689
Chihuahua langhaariger Schlag          -0.591629
Chihuahua kurzhaariger Schlag          -0.688575
Amerikanischer Pit-Bullterrier         -0.696840
Amerikanischer Staffordshire-Terrier   -0.801987
dtype: float64

That is it! Labradors and Toy-Pudels are positively correlated with higher incomes. Staff, Pit-Bull and Chihuahuas with lower.

4. Open Data for Local Communities

Let us analyse district statistics on the example of the 2nd district (Leopoldstadt).

You can replace the district code in the variable below to see the stats for your own district.

In [138]:
district = 90200
# Get the slice of the joint dataset according to the search query
district_dogs = dog_vs_people_vs_income.loc[dog_vs_people_vs_income.DISTRICT_CODE==district]
1 90200 101702 2545 0.025024 19.887

Let us compare this stats with the averages across all Vienna districts.

In [139]:
count 23.000000 23.000000 23.000000 23.000000 23.000000
mean 91200.000000 78145.086957 2431.695652 0.028148 22.115696
std 678.232998 45913.577588 2111.114019 0.009538 3.571603
min 90100.000000 16339.000000 459.000000 0.017715 16.799000
25% 90650.000000 45030.000000 922.000000 0.020841 19.236000
50% 91200.000000 76320.000000 1990.000000 0.025111 22.505000
75% 91750.000000 95986.500000 2787.000000 0.034427 23.825500
max 92300.000000 189713.000000 8504.000000 0.049162 32.493000

2nd district is among the largest districts in Vienna in terms of population (in the 4th quantile: 95,986 < 101,702 < 189,713).

It is below average with respect to the official income statistics (in the 2nd quantile: 19,236 < 19,887 < 22,505).

There is a single dog per 40 inhabitants (25 dogs/1,000 people) which is the average in Vienna.

Lessons Learned

Dogs in Vienna

Based on the data available we were able to provide comprehensive answers to the set of research questions proposed in the introduction.

  1. The dogs are distributed propotional to the number of people across the districts.
  2. However, some districts seem to have fewer dogs than expected (5th and 15th) and some more (21th and 22th), which points to other factors that may influence the decision to acquire a dog pet, such as availability of dog playgrounds in the area or ability to sustain the dog, i.e. income of the owner.
  3. Labradors, Toy-Pudels, Schnauzer, Parson-Russell Terriers, Weimaraner, Flat Coated Retrievers, Magyar Vizsla and West Highland White Terriers are the favorites of the upscale districts in Vienna. This may correlate with the dog prices as well.
  4. Leopoldstadt is a big relatively poor district with an adequate proportion of dogs. Statistics on population and average income provides us additional insights into the situation in our neighborhouds, which may be useful for other types of analysis as well.

Open Data Quality

1. Descriptions do not provide enough information on what kind of data the dataset contains, e.g. the date span in our example.
2. Formatting is consistent for the same publisher, which is the good news. Especially if it is a big publisher with many datasets, such as governmental agency.


1. Find datasets, e.g. CSV files from open data portals
2. Refine: identify column separator, thousands separator, rows to skip, string encoding, etc.
3. Aggregate: group by different attributes, e.g. district or type, and sum up the counts.
4. Join datasets on the common key, e.g. district code identifier.
5. Check correlation between the columns.

Inspired by

  1. Detail Analysis of various Hospital factors on Kaggle.
  2. Wheelan, Charles J. Naked Statistics. 2013

More Vienna Dog Data

  1. Hundezonen in Wien
  2. Hunde, Hundezonen und Hundekotsackerlspender nach Bezirken 2015